This web site is dedicated to the discriminating antique firearms collector. There are also Curio and Relics which all have a very significant place and factor throughout history. As with all antique firearms supply and demand drive prices. Each time a new book or movie comes out on the subject, interest is increased, prices continue to rise and the supply dwindles. Most items offered here range from common to one-of-a-kind and can be at times somewhat on the unusual side. We do our very best to accurately describe and photograph all items listed and are considered to be authentic unless otherwise stated. All statements contained on this web site are qualified statements of opinion and not representations or warranties.
Each item is allowed a 3 day inspection period. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase we will process a refund within the guidelines of our return policy. Please READ the Inspection and Return Policy for complete details on our inspection and return policy.
Here is a partial list of items that can be found at times on this site. Allen & Thurber, Allen & Wheelock, American Standard Took Co., Bacon Arms Co., Ballard Rifle, British Arms, Colt, Confederate Military, Conn. Arms Co., Cooper Firearms Mfg. Co., Crescent Fire Arms Co., Henry Deringer, Evans Rifle mfg., Hartford Arms, Hopkins & Allen, Manhattan Firearms, Merwin Hulbert & Co., Moore Patent Firearms, National Arms Co., Plant’s Mfg., Prescott, E.A., Remington Arms, Richards, Rigby, Rogers & Spencer, Scott, Smith & Wesson, Otis Smith, Southern Arms Co., Springfield Armory, Starr Arms Co., Stevens, Thompson, Westley, Richards, Winchester, U.S. Military, German Military, Russian Military, British Military, Italian Military, Austrian Military. Flintlock, Percussion and Cartridge Systems. Flintlocks, percussion and cartridge firearms may also be found here.