J.P. Clabrough & Bro. Engraved 12 Gauge Hammer Gun

Very good mechanical, beautiful engraving



This is a very nice J.P. Clabrough & Bro. Engraved Hammer Gun with 30” barrels. The mechanical function is very good crisp and tight with very nice bright and shiny bores. The wood is very good but the front has a sliver missing, about 2” long from the receiver forward left side. No other chips or cracks. The barrels are marked Laminated Steel. Nice game scene on both locks with tight scroll pattern on the bottom of the receiver. Scroll pattern on the trigger guard. Serial Number is 15518.  The checkering is slightly worn and the pistol grip cap is also engraved, top lever and top tang are also nicely engraved. This has rebounding hammers, DAC is 2 1/8”, DAH 2 7/8”, LOP 13 5/8”.